Emi Sethura Linga

  • 2023

Emi Sethura Linga is a 2023 drama film directed and written by Sandeep. With a runtime of approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes, the movie falls under the genres of mystery and suspense, promising an intriguing cinematic experience. The story takes place in a world characterized by hidden ambitions, where the protagonist, Bhanu Prakash, embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Unexpectedly, he encounters an ally named Swecha, who plays a pivotal role in unlocking Bhanu's true potential. As the narrative unfolds, audiences can anticipate captivating twists and turns, adding to the suspenseful nature of the film. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Gnaneswari Kandregula, Vinod Varma, Keshav Deepak, Ananda Chakrapani, and Pawon Ramesh.

Release Date 2023
Run Time 1 HOUR 50 MINUTES




Cast & Crew

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